How To Go About Prevention, Protection, and Action For Damages To Your Vacation Rental

Panama City Beach Vacation Rental Company

From costly artwork and furnishings, detailed finishes, thoughtful amenities, and top of the line appliances, many Airbnb vacation rental hosts in California spend tremendous amounts of time, energy, and money creating some of the finest rentals for their vacationing guests to enjoy.

Given such a large investment in the rental space, most hosts naturally question how they can protect themselves against losses from renter accidents and incidents that cause property damage. Let us explore what damages you can expect, what damages should prompt action, prevention measures, and recourse actions.


Accidents happen even under the best precautions and care. Of course, there are also those renters who simply don’t care or respect the property because the aftermath of their actions isn’t perceived as theirs to clean up and repair.

As you accumulate renters, you might find that little annoyances such as chips on dishes, small scuffs on walls, sticky fingerprints on every surface imaginable, bathrooms clogging, and regular dirt trekking on flooring is just par for the course in renting to vacationers.

It is disappointing that people aren’t more cautious by just taking their shoes off or wiping their kids hands down after eating. Yet, these types of incidences just aren’t worth the time, cost, nor energy to pursue. In most cases, it’s simply more cost-effective to make cleaning arrangements and replace inexpensive products.


You’ll want to take wear and tear, such as limescale buildup, tears in worn fabrics, deteriorating furniture, aged appliances, and so forth, into account for your rental property’s contents and any damages that occur.

It is a given that if your carpeting, for example, is in pristine condition and a guest spills a bottle of wine on it, then you certainly have cause to contact airbnb management to report serious damage. But, if that carpeting was already excessively worn and torn from age and general use, stressing over looking for compensation to replacing it now isn’t very justifiable.

It’s better to concentrate your efforts on serious incidences of damage to and theft of valuable items in good shape. In other words, one stolen towel from a big box retailer’s shelf isn’t comparable to all your brand new designer towels being ruined by a guest wiping their red lipstick stain or fingernail polish all over them.

Common areas that prompt you to act on severe damage are incidences such as:

• Theft or destruction of valuables in good condition.
• Drop incidences that cause cracked flooring.
• Structural damages, such as holes in the wall or broken windows.
• Driving over landscaping.


Some guests will immediately call the server or airbnb management team when something is broken or damaged. They may even offer to immediately resolve the issue by voluntarily compensating for the owner’s loss But, this call isn’t guaranteed, and any offer of payment isn’t guaranteed to be enough to cover the damages.

Whether you make contact with the renter or they make contact with you, it’s ideal to utilize the Airbnb platform for all communications so that Airbnb can monitor and document the resolution process. If the renter is unwilling to resolve the issue, you can use the Airbnb resolution center to file a formal complaint.

Your Airbnb security deposit is another defense option and damage set source. Proceed to the Airbnb website, select manage your space, pricing, and then safety deposit to submit a claim on damages. You have up to 14 days after the guest checks out to submit your claim.

Should damages exceed the security deposit amount, Airbnb’s Host Guarantee Program covers certain damages up to a million dollars. Do remember, however, that damages caused by personal liability and that involve securities, artworks, pets, jewelry, collectibles, and cash aren’t covered by the program.


Of course, the best recovery procedure is proactive prevention and assurances to cover incidences before they happen.

The absolute best way that you can protect yourself from the expense of renter damage is to invest in additional Airbnb insurance. A detailed coverage plan will offer you total peace of mind that all, not part or limited-to, losses and damages will be covered.

Aside from Airbnb insurance, there are a few more proactive steps you should take to protect yourself, including:


All hosts should have an inventory of their property’s internal and external contents, including everything from utensils and floor coverings to lounge chairs and light fixtures. This should contain numbers and condition notations. Support your stock list with time-stamped photographs to document each item’s condition. Your stock and photo documentation should be updated at least yearly.

Guest Screening And Vetting

Be selective about who you book. Do research on social media and even through background checks before booking. Explain your property rules thoroughly beforehand so that you and guests can decide if your property is a fit for their own purposes.

Remove Personals From The Property

You may use your rental property when vacationers and other guests aren’t there. Don’t leave your personal valuables, such as photo albums, heirlooms and antiques, financial documents, and clothes, behind for visitors to pilfer and plunder.

In closing, it is unrealistic to think that renters will honor and cherish your vacation rental property as you do. By knowing what to let slide verses what to pursue as a serious damage and how to protect yourself from serious damage with proactive measures like an insurance plan and documentation, you can better manage how it is you manage your property and save yourself a lot of stress when damage does occur.